United Limbs

United Limbs Collective began its activity at the beginning of 2020 in Warsaw. It is a group of artists and dancers who, after years of working in various cultural institutions in Europe, decided to return to Warsaw to join forces and engage in independent artistic activity. The collective consists of six artists: Ilona Gumowska, Eliza Kindziuk, Jakub Piotrowicz, Gieorgij Puchalski, Izabela Zawadzka and Jakub Mędrzycki.


‘Przestrzenie Sztuki’ Lublin Dance Theatre, Cultural Center in Lublin

2020, Lublin

Kalejdoskop Contemporary Dance Festival

2020, Białystok

Theatre and Dance Centre in Warsaw

2020, Warsaw





United Limbs
  • Izabela OrzełowskaChoreography/concept
  • Ilona GumowskaPerformer/choreography/concept
  • Izabela ZawadzkaPerformer/choreography/concept
  • Jakub MędrzyckiPerformer/choreography/concept
  • Gieorgij PuchalskiPerformer/choreography/concept/music
  • Ela ChowaniecDramaturgical consultation
  • Maria ŁozińskaCostumes/makeup

Performance synopsis

‘WIN.DOWS_38’ is a collection of elusive impressions, images and fantasies about the future. A future which probably is very far away. Is it a completely dystopian reality that even Orwell would not dare to imagine?

This World is set between four heroes, but they are probably still people. Built of their secrets, desires and potential struggles, it balances between life and its projection.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration 52 Crew * 6 Artists 4
Premiere 2020-08-06 , Warsaw
Audience everyone
  • loud-music

* cast plus technical support



Spektakl powstał w ramach projektu Przestrzenie Sztuki finansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Dziedzictwa i Kultury Narodowej, realizowanego przez Instytut Muzyki i Tańca oraz Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa RaszewskiegoOperatorem projektu w Lublinie jest Centrum Kultury w LubliniePraca nad spektaklem odbyła się w ramach rezydencji i współpracy z Lubelskim Teatrem TańcaSpektakl dofinansowany w ramach programu koprodukcyjnego Centrum Teatru i Tańca w WarszawieProjekt współfinansuje Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa
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