Teatr Limen Butoh

Limen Butoh Theatre was established in Warsaw in 2002 by Sylwia Hanff (butoh dancer, choreographer, director, graduate in Philosophy from the University of Warsaw). It is the result of her 10-year theoretical and practical research. To date, they have produced more than 20 performances. Limen is open to cooperation with various artists in the fine arts, music and theatre and invites artists from all over the world to participate in its projects. Limen Butoh performs in Poland and abroad.


Venice International Performance Art Week

2020, Venice

2nd Kyoto International Butoh Festival

2019, Kyoto

L’Espace Culturel Bertin Poirée/Cultural Space Bertin Poirée

2018, Paris

Point Ephémère à Paris

2018, Paris

Spazio Nu

2017, Pontedera

EN CHAIR ET EN SON International Meetings Butoh Dance and Acousmatic Music

2017, Paris

Seattle Butoh Festival

2016, Seattle

DAIPANbutoh Collective

2015, Seattle

Veriditas/Womens Dream Quest

2015, San Francisco

Kan Katsura/Cross Culture Festival

2006, Warsaw



The Song of Semi: Crevices of Existence


Limen Butoh Theatre
  • Sylwia HanffDirection, choreography, butoh dance
  • Pierre BoeswillwaldMusic
  • Roman WoźniakLighting designer

Performance synopsis

The performance was inspired by the liminal experience of meeting two cultures in one consciousness, and displacing one by the Other. In a small Japanese village amongst wildlife, during the practice of body work and dance, deities and unusual creatures appeared on the border of consciousness combining the symbolism of two cultures. It was the experience of a ‘dreaming body’, a journey deep into oneself, mind-body in itself, and crossing the boundaries of its formation by one’s own culture.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration 20 Crew * 3 Artists 1
Premiere 2018-09-21 , Warsaw
Audience adults
  • none

* cast plus technical support



Spektakl wyprodukowano dzięki wsparciu finansowemu m.st Warszawa I Stowarzyszenia AUS.
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