Krakow Dance Theatre

Operating as an association, continuously since 2008. Theatre has developed three basic pillars of its activity: artistic, educational and dance presentation. The KDT has produced around forty performances. Critics emphasise the frequent use of images, the plasticity of performances built with light and the architecture of body and movement. As part of its permanent educational activities, the Theatre runs Adept groups. KDT realizes a year-long program of dance presentations ROLLERCOASTER.


10th Theatre Olympics

2023, Budapest

Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery, Creative Europe programm

2023-2026, Krakow, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vitlycke, Sfantu Gheorghe, Budapest

Flow Festival

2024, Sfantu Gheorghe


, 2018

“MY|WY” awarded Best Performance of The Best OFF! Independent Theatre Contest”MY|WY” awarded Best Performance of The Best OFF! Independent Theatre Contest

Krakow, 2021

Stanislaw Wyspianski Theater Award for the perfomatic exhibition “Dutch Window”Stanislaw Wyspianski Theater Award for the perfomatic exhibition “Dutch Window”




Krakow Dance Theatre
  • Milan Tomášikchoreography
  • Agnieszka Bednarz - Tyranco-creation and performance
  • Sławomir Juszczakco-creation and performance
  • Agnieszka Kramarzco-creation and performance
  • Patrycja Marszałekco-creation and performance
  • Yelyzaveta Tereshonokco-creation and performance
  • Agnieszka Bednarz - Tyranchoreographer assistant
  • Piotr Peszatmusic
  • Michał Wawrzyniaklight design
  • Dominik Więcekcostume design
  • Paweł Łyskawaproduction
  • Izabela Zawadzkaproduction

Performance synopsis

Treatise is inspired by the eponymous graphic score by Cornelius Cardew. It is exactly its visual richness, from simple dashed lines, curves, dots and spirals, to overwhelming intricate structures that offered Treatise dance performance its starting point. Every single action is built within the score but in its final form and composition goes beyond: Krakow Dance Theatre performers create their own spatial, temporal, unique universe.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration 59 minutes Crew * 8 Artists 5
Premiere 15/03/2024 , Krakow
Audience everyone
  • loud-music

* cast plus technical support



The project was co-financed by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promotion of Culture - a state purpose fund. The performance is organized within the framework of the Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery program financed by the Creative Europe program (2023-2026). Program organized by Krakow Dance Theatre - Krakowski Teatr Tańca (PL), Central Europe Dance Theatre - CEDT (HU), Bunker (SLO), Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples - HIPP (CRO), M Studio and Moira Cultural and Youth Association (RO) and Vitlycke - CPA (SWE). Funded by EU funds. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA is responsible for them.
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