Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury

Krakow Choreographic Centre at Nowa Huta Cultural Centre works in three areas of contemporary dance: art, education and management. KCC creates performances and invites external productions and organises artistic residencies and workshops. It is committed to the professionalisation of dance and raising its value in relation to other fields of contemporary art. The tasks of KCC include supporting artists and educating dancers, building dance audiences and developing international partnerships.


Artistic residence as part of the iCoDaCo project

2019, Härnösand

Sudy visit and residence as part of the iCoDaCo project

2018, Hong Kong

collaboration with AURA Dance Theatre

2017, Kaunas





Nowa Huta Cultural Centre
  • Iwona OlszowskaChoreographer
  • Ferenc FehérChoreographer
  • Ferenc FehérComposer
  • Marcin JanusComposer

Performance synopsis

A journey into the depths. An exchange between what’s inside and what’s outside. Movement subject to the laws of physics, emotions and the state. Immersed in different space-times and realities. Pulsating between vitality, primality and the status quo, between reality and dreams of flying. Revealing what’s organic, animal, archetypal, but also subtle, elusive and spiritual. Trance, ritual, the way to oneself through connection with a particle of the energy of the Universe.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration 40 Crew * 8 Artists 6
Premiere 2018-11-22 , Kraków
Audience everyone
  • none

* cast plus technical support



Spektakl zrealizowany we współpracy z Instytutem Muzyki i Tańca w ramach Programu „Zamówienia choreograficzne 2018".
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