ARtoffNIA Art and Dance Foundation, Olsztyn Dance Theater

Olsztyn Dance Theater was created because of the need to develop the dance art environment in Poland’s Warmian-Masurian region. It is based on the artistic activities of Pryzmat Dance Company, which has been functioning as a creative group in the ARToffNIA Art and Dance Foundation since the year 2007. Currently, OTT cooperates with the Stefan Jaracz Theater in Olsztyn, and its activities are financed by the Local Government of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship.


Artistic residency in Barcelona (cooperation with Mireia de Querol, Cecilia Colacrai and Anna Rubirola)

2014, Barcelona

Artistic residency - workshop with Batsheva Dance Company, Vertigo Dance Company and Yasmin Gooder Company

2015, Tel Aviv

Rożdzestwnski Parad International Theatre Festival

2015, Saint Petersburg

Artistic residency

2016, Sicily

Artistic residency and participation in ALTOFEST International Contemporary Live Arts Festival

2017, Naples


2017, Detebre

Artistic residency in Tenuta Dello Scompiglio w Vorno (Lucca)

2018, Vorno

Best Duet - Szoloduo International Dance Festiwal

2018, Budapest

International cooperation during the "Olsztyn Dance Theatre: Prologue" project - choreographed by Antonella Boccadamo (Italy) and Anna Rubirola (Spain)

2019, Olsztyn


Tarnów, 2017

Open Stage International Festival of Dance TheatresOpen Stage International Festival of Dance Theatres

Kielce, 2018

IV Dance Theatres ContestIV Dance Theatres Contest

Vorno, 2018

Tenuta Dello Scampiglio in Vorno, Lucca – International Open Contest “Of Death and Dying”Tenuta Dello Scampiglio in Vorno, Lucca – International Open Contest “Of Death and Dying”

Budapest, 2018

International Dance Festival Solo Duo (Oresztik Foundation)International Dance Festival Solo Duo (Oresztik Foundation)

Cracow, 2018

International Choreographic Festival 3…2…1… Dance!International Choreographic Festival 3…2…1… Dance!

Belgrade, 2018

XII Festival of Choreographic MiniaturesXII Festival of Choreographic Miniatures

Poznań, 2019

Associacion with the Polish Dance Network as a partner centreAssociacion with the Polish Dance Network as a partner centre

Gdańsk, 2019

Small Dance Platform, performance of “Mr Kejk”Small Dance Platform, performance of “Mr Kejk”

Warsaw, 2020

The winning project of Stage for Dance programs – “Naj(BLIŻEJ)” – Olsztyn Dance Theater on the stages of Warmia and MazuryThe winning project of Stage for Dance programs – “Naj(BLIŻEJ)” – Olsztyn Dance Theater on the stages of Warmia and Mazury




ARtoffNIA Art and Dance Foundation
  • Anna Janczarekchoreographer and director
  • Magdalena Faszczachoreographer and director
  • Anna Janczarekdancer
  • Magdalena Faszczadancer
  • Katarzyna Grabińskaartistic supervision

Performance synopsis

“Flamaña” is a dance story about the clash of generations – crazy, unbridled youth with maturity, which in turn has lost its spontaneity. It is a story about how these two values ​​can enter into a dialogue, interpenetrate and enrich each other, about the role of tradition, about the changes we all go through, all in a fun form combining contemporary dance and flamenco. The show is aimed at preschool viewers.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration ok. 35 minut Crew * 3 Artists 2
Premiere 25/11/2023 , Olsztyn
Audience children
  • none

* cast plus technical support



The performance was produced and will be presented as part of educational activities carried out during the project "OLSZTYŃSKI DANCE THEATER - educational, artistic and statutory activities" financed from the budget of the local government of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, organized by the Center for Education and Cultural Initiatives in Olsztyn, and the partner is the Dance and Art Foundation ARToffNIA.
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