Marta Wołowiec

Dancer, choreographer, performer, educator, producer. She presented her own works at festivals in Poland and abroad, including TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA, New Baltic Dance Festival, MILANoLTRE Festival. She participated in residency programs in Lebanon, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Hong Kong and the Netherlands. Dance and choreography is for her the experience of VISIBILITY, a space which enables to create mutual attentiveness of the viewer and performer and to contact with their own and collective bodies.


UWAGA! Festival - presentation of the solo performance Tens

2024, Osnabrück

dansePlatForma - presentation of the solo performance Tens

2023, Montpellier

MILANoLTRE FESTIVAL - presentation of the solo performance Light Darkness

2022, Milan

Crossrads - inhabiting the world (artistic residencies)

2022, Beirut, Ghent, Milan, Lentini

Coproduction of KORZO Theatre and Krakow Choreographic Centre, Dutch and Polish premiere of the performance TYTUM

2020, Hague, Cracow

New Baltic Dance Festival - presentation of the solo performance Tens

2021, Vilnus

DIORAMA study visit / Jefta van Dinther

2024, Berlin

TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA - presentation of the solo performance Tens

2022, Munich


Cracow, 2021

Special Award named after Stanisław Wyspiański for the performance NaturgemäldeSpecial Award named after Stanisław Wyspiański for the performance Naturgemälde




Marta Wołowiec
  • Marta Wołowiecconcept, direction, choreography
  • Marta Wołowieccreation, performance
  • Tomasz Pomersbachcreation, performance
  • Janusz Orlikdramaturgy
  • Wojciech Kiwermusic
  • Dominik Więcekcostumes
  • Klaudia Kasperskalight design

Performance synopsis

In times of darkness and anxiety, we wonder what pleasure is – pleasure in life, pleasure in dancing or watching dance. The creators are inspired by the phenomenon of choreomania – a dancing plague that has appeared in various places in Europe for over ten centuries. The mania of dancing in the streets gathered hundreds of people in a common crazy dance until they were exhausted, lost consciousness, and sometimes even lost their lives.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration ok. 60 minut Crew * 4 Artists 2
Premiere 20/09/2024 , Wrocław
Audience teenagers, adults
  • loud-music
  • strobe

* cast plus technical support



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