Sticky Fingers Club

Sticky Fingers Club is a group of graduates of the Department of Dance Theatre at the PWST State College of Acting in Kraków established to create a performance. Its members are Daniela Komędera-Miśkiewicz, Dominika Wiak, Dominik Więcek and Monika Witkowska. Working in an atmosphere of mutual support and non-hierarchical cooperation, we have created a performance about lack of success, in which the characters on stage, facing constant defeat, create a space for celebration where they appear as the biggest stars.


Gdańsk Dance Festival

2020, Gdańsk

24th International Meetings of Dance Theatres in Lublin

2020, Lublin

Kraków Dance Festival

2021, Kraków

OFF Counterpoint Festival

2021, Szczecin


Szczecin , 2020

Zygmunt Duczyński Award at the 55th Presentation of Small Form Theatres KONTRAPUNKT 2021 in SzczecinZygmunt Duczyński Award at the 55th Presentation of Small Form Theatres KONTRAPUNKT 2021 in Szczecin


Sticky Fingers Club


Sticky Fingers Club
  • Daniela Komędera-MiśkiewiczConcept, choreography, performance
  • Dominik WięcekConcept, choreography, performance
  • Monika WitkowskaConcept, choreography, performance
  • Monika WitkowskaDramaturgic support
  • Przemek DegórskiMusic
  • Krystian Koźbiał Lighting director
  • Przemek DegórskiMusic
  • Costumes

Performance synopsis

I almost got flowers and I almost know what the champagne tasted like.
I mistook the brake for the accelerator.
I am the first to miss the podium. I’ve overtaken all those who are left behind me.
I almost have a reason to be proud of myself.
I got lost in the same place again.
I almost got a standing ovation.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration 60 Crew * 6 Artists 4
Premiere 2020-09-03 , Gdańsk
Audience everyone
  • none

* cast plus technical support



Spektakl powstał w ramach programu „Przestrzenie Sztuki” finansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca oraz Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego. Operatorem projektu w Lublinie jest Centrum Kultury w Lublinie.
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