Ania Straczyńska

Choreographer, researcher and educator. Artistic member of Chisenhale Dance Space. Graduate of the Academy of Music (Łódź, Poland) and the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (London, UK). She works internationally across gallery and theatre settings. Her work is a celebration of interdisciplinary, collaborative practice with choreography at the heart. She constantly seeks for ways in which the boundaries of choreography can be challenged and shifted.


Bonnie Bird Theatre

2019, London

Concertico Festival of Design and Architecture

2018, Logrono

P21 Gallery

2018, London

The Place (2018 & 2017)

2018, London

Vesa Loikas (ongoing since 2018)

2018, Turku

Architecture Association Interprofessionals Studio (2018-2019)

2018, London

DanceWest & Rose Theatre Kingston

2017, London


London, 2018

Broncel Trust Award (2017-2018)Broncel Trust Award (2017-2018)

London , 2017

Sidney Perry Trust Scholarship Sidney Perry Trust Scholarship

London , 2018

Leverhulme Trust Award (2017-2018)Leverhulme Trust Award (2017-2018)

London, 2017

Split Infinitive Trust AwardSplit Infinitive Trust Award


(Nobody's) Everybody's Business


Karolina Lewińska
  • Ania StraczyńskaChoreographer
  • Rosa WangDesigner
  • Lier Chen Sound
  • Bernadette WardProduction and lighting

Performance synopsis

‘(Nobody’s Everybody’s) Business’ is an insight into ourselves as temporary and permanent collectives and communities, as well as our power in groups, alongside the notion and embodiment of change. The work draws upon past and present acts of activism, combining and switching in between them, without zooming in on any particular movement. Each element of the performance stands as a symbol that brings attention to our importance as a society, community and collective.

This information has been provided by the person or organisation in question. The National Institute of Music and Dance and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute are not responsible for its contents.
Duration 30 Crew * 6 Artists 4
Premiere 2019-06-17 , London
Audience teenagers
  • none

* cast plus technical support



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